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March 7th, 2025: Stout Sourdough

I’m excited about this coming week’s bake, and especially about partnering with the good folks at Ramshackle Brewing Co. in Jonesville! Jonathan and I went out to taste a flight and pick out just the right beer to use in this week’s specialty bread, a stout sourdough. Zack and Jessy Bigelow are running the whole operation, making great beer, and are active in the community to boot. 

We narrowed the search down to two beers: the Dunkelweizen and the Maple Command Stout. For this bread, we went with the stout – it has so many great notes that are going to play nicely with the freshly milled grains in this sourdough! If you’re looking for a great way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day that doesn’t involve green beer, pick up a loaf of my stout sourdough and head on over to Ramshackle to sample what they have on tap and enjoy some live music or trivia. Zack and Jessy were kind enough to pass along a discount for everyone who orders this week – 50% off of two beers – which I’ll include in every order! 

This past weekend we took the boys along to a conference where Jonathan was speaking. It’s rare that I get to see him at his day job (that is, not in outdoor gear cutting up trees or building things!), and it was such a treat for me! The boys and I had fun exploring a new place and enjoying a change of pace for a few days. Sunshine and warm temps didn’t hurt, either, and we soaked up the sun like a bunch of northerners!

Stout sourdough and house sourdough are both available to order this weekend. I mix everything by hand from start to finish, and both loaves have a good portion of whole grains, which I’ll mill shortly before mixing. Freshly milled flour is a very different product than what’s available in the grocery store. All of the nutrients are preserved by using fresh flour, and the flavor difference is huge. Plus, there is no chance of any natural oils getting rancid with such a short time between milling and mixing. If you haven’t tried a loaf with fresh flour, this is a great week to start!

Both breads are available to order now through Tuesday, or until sold out, and can be picked up on Thursday afternoon, March 13th. If you’re saving your beer bread for a special occasion, it freezes well and will be a treat whenever you want to enjoy it. If you’re traveling for spring break but don’t want to miss out on this bread, let me know in your order and I’ll pop yours in my freezer for a few days.

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