The old year is nearly behind us, and what a year it’s been. We’ve had a lot of changes over this past year – many to our home! – and it’s been fun to see our kids grow and change as they continue to settle into a new life here in Hillsdale. I restarted my baking business in the last year, and what a joy that has been! I’m grateful to have gotten to know so many of you and feel honored to make the breads that grace your tables.
Next week begins a new month of bread subscriptions, and I have a great January lineup for you! I’ll offer house sourdough subscriptions, as well as a subscription for the bread of the week. If you can’t pick up every week, feel free to send someone for you or to share that week’s loaf with someone! I’ll just be baking three weeks of the month as we’re traveling for one week.
January 4/5: house sourdough, and 100% freshly milled whole wheat sourdough
January 18/19: house sourdough, and asiago sourdough
January 25/26: house sourdough, and sourdough biscuits (set of 6)
Subscribers of any kind will also receive dark chocolate sourdough cookies along with their order for January 4/5. I make these with sourdough discard and some rye flour. The flavor benefits from an overnight reset in the fridge! You do not want to miss these cookies 🙂
If you’re not ready to commit to a subscription, you can also order on a weekly basis as long as there are loaves available. I’ll send an email each week reminding you of the upcoming bake of the week. Subscriptions and weekly loaves can also be given as gifts! Just indicate that in your order so we can be sure to get the bread to the right person.
All the sourdough breads I make are what bakers call ‘true sourdough’. That means that the loaves ferment for at least 24 hours, which is important for the way that our bodies digest wheat. If you’re interested, a great book on this is called ‘Sourdough School’, by Vanessa Kimball. Even if you don’t struggle with gluten intolerance, this long fermentation makes for fantastic tasting bread! Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Breads will be available on Thursday and Friday of next week, January 4th and 5th. Orders can be picked up at my Hillsdale home both afternoons, and at Hillsdale College on Thursday, January 4th. This is generally the schedule that I keep, and I will let you know if there are any changes to it!
Payments can be made by cash, check, or cashapp on pickup, or by credit card when you order at Please let me know if you have any questions or special requests!
Happy New Year, friends!