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January 24th, 2025: White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies

For Christmas this year, my eldest daughter gifted a cookie cookbook to my husband. His look of surprise and confusion was amusing, but then she revealed the real gift: that she would make cookies every week for him to take to his office hours, where he makes tea for students. They looked through it together and chose a few varieties that looked especially good. The first batch was well-received and they’re both looking forward to the upcoming weeks.

Cookies are also on the menu for you for the last week of January! I’m making a household favorite: white chocolate cranberry. I’m going to take these up a notch by adding orange zest to the mix. And for even more flavor, I’ll mix in some sourdough discard to put these over the top. I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as we do!

Our backyard chickens experienced winter for the first time these past weeks. The plan had been to keep them in the movable (and very breezy) coop until the cold set in, then move them to the less breezy coop for the winter. (We’ll use the regular coop for raising meat birds in the spring and summer). But in order to move them, the coop had to be finished! The last necessary parts were added the day before the sub-zero temperatures hit, and I think those birds were grateful to be out of the wind. Thankfully, they’ve continued to lay eggs over the winter, and we’re enjoying those very much.

Sourdough bread has become for us much more than just a type of bread we enjoy. The more I learn about it, the more I am so grateful to put it on the table for my family. We all feel good eating it, and it continually brings a smile to the kids’ faces when a warm, fresh loaf is brought to the table. From nutrition to flavor, this is such a wonderful addition to any meal! It’s always on the menu at my house, and available to order every week.

Orders are open now and will be until Tuesday, or until sold out. February subscriptions will come out on Friday, January 31st, so keep an eye out for that! Good things are coming your way 🙂