These gray and rainy days seem to call for a wood fire, a cozy blanket, and something warm to sip. They also beckon me to the oven – something about the warm and spicy smells of fall baking has a way of counteracting the effect that the dark and damp weather has on me. This week I tried out a new (to me) pastry recipe that’s been in my inbox for weeks, just because I felt like baking something out of the ordinary. It’s a satisfying feeling to take normal ingredients and turn them into something that elicits sighs of happiness from those who eat it!
Fall and cinnamon always go together and this week I will be baking pumpkin cinnamon scones. They’re light and tender, full of so much flavor – from the cinnamon chips to the spices in the dough to the sourdough starter and pumpkin – these are a delight for the senses. We’ve had them for breakfast, we’ve had them for dessert, we’ve had them with a cup of tea. They’re not overly sweet, letting the flavors shine! These will freeze well and are available in packs of four scones.
As always I will be baking my house sourdough. My delivery of wheat berries got waylaid and so I have been using a different grain – hard white wheat – in my loaves for the family this week and we have enjoyed it! I will continue to bake this bread throughout the year. It’s a great loaf to go with everything, probably the most versatile bread that I bake. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
I will be baking on Thursday, October 26th and Friday, October 27th. Pickup is at my home in HIllsdale both days and at Hillsdale College (Kendall Hall, 4th floor) on Thursday. Orders will be open on the website until Tuesday afternoon, October 24th.
Please let me know if you have any questions or special requests! Next week I’ll share the breads of the week for the month of November. Subscribe for the month to be sure you get to try everything that’s coming out of my kitchen!