This week’s bread is one that I have avoided making for far too long. Having eaten my share of good ones – and not so good ones – they have always felt intimidating to get right. Most baking recipes speak of baguettes as one of the most challenging breads to make, which did not help my intimidation! Recently, I had a chance to take a leap with baguettes for a sweet friend’s party. They do take some practice, but I was really pleased with how they turned out! This week, I’m making baguettes for all of you. These are a sourdough version, so all of that great flavor and nutrition is wrapped up in baguette form! I’ll make these with a good portion of freshly milled whole wheat flour, adding in some extra flavor and fiber. Baguettes go with everything, from a charcuterie board, to bruschetta, to garlic bread, to just tearing off hunks and smearing with good butter! These sourdough baguettes will be about a foot long.

My house sourdough is also available this week, as it is every week. I picked up flour this last week from a bakery that orders the kinds of flour I like to use. I’ve experimented with a number of different flours and always come back to King Arthur Baking Co. This bakery goes through A LOT of flour, so for me to pick up ten 50lb bags is no problem for them! Thankfully, we can put some seats down in the minivan and load it all in without any trouble. I’m so grateful for a community of bakers who like to support small businesses!
The changes outside in late spring always feel so dramatic. All winter long, everything lies dormant. I grow impatient in early spring when I’d like to see buds and color again! Then, it seems like the grass turns a vibrant shade of green from one day to the next, and the flowering trees are suddenly full of leaves. These are such good reminders for me of God’s gifts, that he is not slow in keeping his promises but keeps them in his own time.
Sourdough baguettes will be available on Thursday and Friday, May 9th-10th for regular pickups at my home on both days and the college on Thursday.
Graduation season is nearly upon us! If you’re having a party and would like some special baked goods, please reach out to me. I’d love to help!